miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Diary #4

I want to tell you about someone the it's an inspiration to me, my choice is Steve Jobs. This man had a really interesting live, he started building computers in his garage and the last few years of his life he was the president of Apple Inc. Athough he also had big issues such as his serious illness that made him pass away or that his was fire from apple when he was in his 30's. He get over his issues and become part of Pixar until he was able to go back again as Apple's president. For me this man is a Genius because he made one of the biggest company in the world, he had also a great view in bussiness and he was also a really great person because he helped a lot of people donnating money, and when he was dying he improved the computers programs to make it easier to see what the people have. Without hesitation he is an inspiration to me, I hope one day I can be as important as he has be to the motern history.

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